


Pewee Valley


We are hiring certified Pilates instructors. Learn more and apply here


Can you believe it’s been 2 weeks since you started the 10-Day Fit & Healthy Program?

We have one more BONUS video for you, because we really loved having YOU on board with us during the jumpstart program

Join us for a 20-min Pilates Lower Body Workout with Erica

Erica leads you through a classical Pilates sequence that targets your glutes, thighs, and core. All you need is a mat and some 1-2-pound weights (optional). Drink lots of water before, during, and after the workout!

Erica leads you through a classical Pilates sequence that targets your glutes, thighs, and core. 

What’s Next?

If you feel like you’ve learned a lot, we agree! We handpicked all the tips and workouts to benefit you the most in a short time. The same is true for our platform. No matter what fitness modality you choose, you are getting the best instruction and advice for your health and fitness.

Do you want to keep the momentum going?

Join the PFS On-Demand Program