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Pilates CECs

true to the core

Upcoming Continuing Education Courses and Workshops

A Pilates Teachers Weekend with Clare Dunphy Hemani


Workshop details

June 8th – 9th, 2024

In-Person and Virtual

Early Bird Registration


Full Price


Workshop Description

Saturday, June 8th, 2024. 8:30 AM-3:00 PM

Unlocking the Secrets to Healthy Upper Body Movement

Do you have clients who suffer from shoulder pain, neck pain, flaring ribs, or lack of connection to their powerhouse?   Even small misalignments in the upper body can cause injuries and prevent clients from getting the full benefits of their workout. As teachers, it’s important to focus on alignment in the fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, and shoulder girdle for healthy movement. Help your clients understand how to find their “upper powerhouse” in different movements and apparatus to get out of pain and hopefully avoid surgery.   Join Clare Dunphy Hemani as she shares her perspective with practical, usable tips that have been proven to work. Through hands-on practice, discussion, demonstration, and case studies, you will be able to confidently address upper body issues. Whether it’s shoulder pain, wrist strain, or other challenges, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge to assist clients in achieving their goals. Don’t let minor misalignments hold your clients back. Sign up for our workshop now and elevate your teaching skills.

Sunday, June 9th, 2024. 8:30 AM-3:00 PM

Standing Strong: A Pilates Instructor’s Guide to Addressing Lower Body Issues

Are you a Pilates instructor struggling to help clients with lower body issues?  You already know that posture originates at the feet and moves up the body, making a sound foundation essential. However, we see clients every day who continue to struggle with issues in their balance, hips, lower back, knees, and feet. Let’s get to the root of the problem!  In this engaging and hands-on workshop, we’ll delve into the role of the standing leg and explore simple solutions and strategies to improve issues that might be holding you or your clients back. Gain valuable insights into the kinetic chain from the feet to the hips and how they affect each other. Discover all the unexpected places the standing leg shows up in the Pilates repertoire on all apparatus. Through discussion, experimentation, and hands-on exercises, you’ll learn simple strategies to improve your balance and overcome any issues holding you or your clients back. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, this insightful workshop will help you address common lower body issues and provide practical solutions that work. Join us to experiment, discuss, and feel the difference for yourself.

About Clare Dunphy

Clare Dunphy, classical Pilates teacher presenting a workshop at Pilates Fit Studio in Louisville

Clare Dunphy Hemani is a world-recognized Pilates teacher, educator, and mentor living in Newburyport, MA, where her studio Progressive Bodyworks is located. Students and teachers worldwide come to study the “art of teaching” in this unique space. Committed to preserving the authenticity and tradition of Pilates, her approach is refreshing, inclusive, and supportive.  Her roots in human movement began at Northeastern University, earning a BS in Physical Education in 1985, and she is NPCP certified.  In 1995, Clare began her Pilates studies under Romana Kryzanowska and has since studied with several other teachers. Currently, she serves on the NPCP board of directors to continue her mission to expand education quality and certification standards. Clare co-authored the Peak Pilates Comprehensive Education Program, developing scores of teachers and teacher trainers between 2001-2013. She continues to serve the community with the audio program Pilates Avatar®,  Elevate Mentorship Program, frequent workshops, and writings.  Her gift is a willingness to share knowledge generously and explain concepts in simple, straightforward ways.  Clare’s mission is to support all students/teachers’ potential and keep the spirit of Joe and Romana alive in her work.  Follow Clare at www.progressivebodyworksinc.comYouTubeFacebook, and Instagram