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Pilates for Osteoporosis

true to the core

Exercise the Safe Way with

The Better Back® Program!

Osteoporosis is known as a silent disease because it has no symptoms—you can’t see it or feel it. Unless you have certain risk factors, you typically don’t get your first scan for osteoporosis until age 65. Being diagnosed with any disease can be scary, but life should be able to go on as usual after you receive your osteoporosis diagnosis – perhaps with a few adjustments.

Engaging in a resistance exercise program will help strengthen your muscles, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of falls. Being physically active and incorporating a consistent exercise routine cannot reverse or cure osteoporosis, but it can reduce the rate of bone loss and improve bone health.

At Pilates Fit Studio, we teach the Better Back® program, which supports those with osteoporosis, sciatica, or any disc issue who are not in acute pain. Classical Pilates is at the core of the Better Back® program, which was created and formulated by Pilates Fit Studio owner Erica Walters. You will focus on strengthening your muscles using spring resistance and body weight exercises, building bone density, and improving stability and balance.

Introductory Private Package with Junior Instructor

3 Privates Sessions
with Instructors in Training


The junior instructors have completed 400 hours of their 600-hour Real Pilates Teacher Training certification program. At this novice level, training focuses on the fundamentals and working within the system of the method. During this time, junior instructors slowly build fundamental skills under close supervision of certified teachers.

*Junior instructor rates are subject to availability

The Better Back® Program: a Safe Pilates Program for Osteoporosis in Louisville, KY

The Better Back® program was created and formulated by Pilates Fit Studio owner Erica Walters. She developed this Pilates for osteoporosis program after working with many osteoporosis clients and helping her husband recover from significant back surgery in his mid-thirties. She wrote two books on osteoporosis and continuously presents continued education courses with Real Pilates® on Osteoporosis. She is an exercise scientist, instructor trainer, and mentor for Real Pilates and a senior certified Classical Pilates instructor at Pilates Fit Studio in Louisville.

Do’s of Exercise with Osteoporosis in The Better Back® program

  • Use springs for resistance training to develop strength.
  • Focus on Stability exercises.
  • Stretch for mobility.
  • Thoracic Spinal Extension to maintain posture and avoid curvature of the upper spine, also known as Dowager’s hump.
  • Planks and Side Planks: we will focus on strengthening the core.
  • Proper alignment and biomechanics during exercise to avoid injury and work on posture.

Movements we will avoid with Osteoporosis in The Better Back® program.

  • Placing load on the spine: Anything that puts pressure on the spine can compress the vertebrae.
  • Forward Spinal Flexion
  • Forceful twisting at the waist
  • Jerky, rapid movements can lead to fractures in weakened bones.

Getting Started with Pilates for Osteoporosis 

At Pilates Fit Studio, we firmly believe that private Pilates is the best way to start your Pilates practice. Private sessions are the safest way to start if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, osteopenia, or disc-related issues. Your introductory lessons will be personalized to give you a strong foundation, help you gain new safe movement skills, and work towards your goals. You will get familiar with the essential apparatus setup instructions to move forward into duet sessions or our Better Back® small group Pilates classes.