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What is Classical Pilates and How Does It Enhance Your Other Workouts?

By Lauren Bruker, Certified Teacher at Pilates Fit Studio in Pewee Valley, KY

I started doing Pilates as a way to build strength in my abdominals and back. At the time I was working as a spin instructor teaching upwards of 10 classes a week. Although I was strong at doing cardio, my core was very weak and my back ached all the time. After I’d done Pilates consistently for 2 months, I noticed that my back no longer ached, my arms were leaner, and my legs were no longer fatigued when I taught my spin classes! With all these improvements in my body, I began taking Pilates right before teaching a spin class, and afterward, I felt amazing. This was true even after my 10th class of the week!

Mixing Pilates with my cardio workouts not only made me physically stronger but also taught me how to breathe properly and use proper body mechanics. I also learned how to control my movements while spinning. As a result, instead of feeling burnt out at the end of my spin class, I was energized.

What is Classical Pilates?

Classical Pilates is a full-body workout using resistance on spring driven equipment, that consists of corrective exercises to bring symmetry, vitality, and alignment to your body. The specialized apparatus reshapes your whole body and the springs resist in both directions, helping to tone and sculpt more efficiently and effectively than other forms of exercise. The order of the exercises is also important, both on the mat and on the reformer, and sometimes carries over to other pieces of apparatus. We use the other specialized apparatus to dig into your individual needs to thread the method together.

How Does Pilates Enhance Other Workouts?

YOGA –Pilates and Yoga are fundamentally different, even though some poses seem similar. Yoga emphasizes the stretching of the muscles to a further extent than Pilates. The focus of Pilates is the relationship of the muscles to your core with the use of the springs. By strengthening your core with Pilates, you will be able to go deeper into your yoga poses. Pilates helps you improve your balance in yoga and keep your practice safe.

RUNNING– Pilates exercises teaches you how to breathe with consistency and control. When doing cardio, breathing with control is essential in regulating your heart rate and getting extra oxygen into your body. This in turn boosts your performance and you will be able to go further and faster.

HIKING – When hiking or climbing, you often shift your weight from your feet to your hands and any combination of feet and hands to move forward or climb up. Pilates will help you discover how to hold your body in space while transferring your weight. Your feet, ankles, wrists, and handgrip are strengthened in Pilates. So, strap on your hiking boots, and hit the trails!

These are just a few examples of how Pilates is beneficial to your body, especially in other practices and fitness routines. The same benefits can be found in other sports and activities. But don’t just take my word for it. Come and see for yourself what Pilates feels like.

Are you ready to feel stronger and more energized?

Lauren Bruker has been a leader in the fitness scene for over a decade teaching in New York, Los Angeles, and Austin. During her career as an indoor cycling instructor, she experienced a lower back injury that helped introduce her to Pilates. She became instantly hooked. Lauren loved the one-on-one attention, the small group classes, and how Pilates helped alleviate fatigue and imbalance her body had been experiencing for years.
As a former dancer and BFA graduate Lauren has always been drawn to movement. After college, she quickly received her NASM personal training and 200 hour Yoga Alliance certifications and began training clients privately. In 2009 she was one of SoulCycle’s- NYC’s premier indoor cycling studio, first instructors. She helped open SoulCycle studios all over the country and expanded the company’s teacher training program from 2009-to 2017. She completed the Soma Space 600 hour Classical Pilates Certification in Austin, TX in 2018. Lauren is currently in the Classical Syllabus, an advanced training program, with MeJo Wiggin. This Louisville native is thrilled to finally return home and be a part of the Louisville Pilates and movement community.

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