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PFS Blog

Repetition Is the Mother of All Learning

In over 16 years that I’ve been a health and fitness professional, two of the questions people most frequently ask me are,“What should I do?” and“How …

Summer Body Workout Fads Don’t Work

By Erica Walters, Studio Owner of Pilates Fit Studio in Pewee Valley Are you or someone you know excited about getting back in shape for the …

It’s time to find a fitness program that is right for YOU. But where to start?

I know how it goes. When you decided to sign up for a fitness program, you found so many options, it made your head spin. It’s …

What is Classical Pilates and How Does It Enhance Your Other Workouts?

By Lauren Bruker, Certified Teacher at Pilates Fit Studio in Pewee Valley, KY I started doing Pilates as a way to build strength in my abdominals …

Beginner vs Intermediate Semi-Private Small Group Class

You’re signing up for your first class at a Classical Pilates studio and you’re wondering what level should be taking. Does it matter if you take …

What To Expect At Your First Pilates Lesson

Many of us have done a little bit of Pilates at some point; Pilates-style moves are found in plenty of workouts that incorporate yoga or bodyweight …